Klaviyo Email Automation

What is email automation and why do you need it?

You know when you visit an online store, you’re just there, minding your own business having a browse, suddenly you see that little pop up box telling you that you’ll get a discount in exchange for handing over your details? Of course you sign up, who doesn’t love a discount, am I right?? 

Once you sign up, you received an email containing your special code to use at checkout… Then, over the course of a number of days you receive emails from that business telling you more about them? This is email automation! Yep that’s right! There isn’t an admin person sitting behind a keyboard waiting to send you those email each day! SHOCK I know!

So what is email automation exactly?

Email automation is a series of emails that get sent to you at a specific time, or after a pre determined number of hours/days. These emails are part of a flow that is triggered by a specific event or something the customer has or has not done. Typically, when you sign up to someones mailing list, the welcome flow (or series) is the first flow you will enter into. This flow is designed to nurture your client, tell them more about you. Give them more information about the team, the business, provide social proof that helps build trust and also invite them to follow or like you on social media. 

Which flows do you need?

Other flows I highly recommend having as part of your email automation as a bare minimum are Abandoned Cart and Post-Purchase. And once you have those sorted, there are so many others you can get set up for your business, here is a small list of what programs like Klaviyo have the ability to do:

  • Browse Abandonment
  • Win Back
  • Wholesaler
  • Review & Cross Sell
  • Back in Stock
  • Birthday
  • Replenishment
  • Post Purchase Bounce Back
  • Purchase Anniversary
  • Product Information
  • Competition
  • VIP

Ok so why do I need email automation for my online store??

Email flows are designed to nurture your customers. They make them feel more at ease with your brand and help you build better relationships that keep you at the forefront of their mind. But let’s face it, I often find a new business on Instagram or via a Google search, check out their products, get distracted by the kids and can’t for the life of me remember the name! Good thing I signed up to their mailing list!! Because then they send me a series of emails over 4 days, sticking in my mind for good!

Need more cold hard facts to be convinced? Well, here are some stats for you from the Klaviyo website:

You can read more from Klaviyo here.

If you don’t know where to start with your Klaviyo set up, download my free Content Workbook!

If you just want to get your flows set up but don’t have the time or feel like it’s all too overwhelming, click the button below to view my done-for-you packages or click here to book a free 15 minute consultation.

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